A place I  would love to visit one day! Just like my Delft project, I wanted to explore the world in a very stylised way. The inspiration actually came from a board game my partner got me for my birthday one year, which funnily enough was called Santorini. I loved how simple the pieces are and thought how cool it would look animated.
Daylight Scene
This type of lighting feels very chiaroscuro, as a strong contrast is affecting the whole scene. Where there are lit buildings you can see the detail but as you go further away it's just black. The lights in the buildings are pretty much the only light source in this whole scene apart from Octane Renderer's daylight which I set at a very, very low level.
This was the first image I made many months ago. I decided to revisit this project as I wasn't quite satisfied with this result as it just looked so flat. Trying an isometric angle made a massive difference and really showed off the model more.
More Daytime lighting
Original Animation

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